Reflections Blog on : transmedia


Transmedia is storytelling through various media platforms, are being used to facilitate storytelling.  According to Fleming (2013) although, the name transmedia sounds abstract it is pronunciation, the understanding of Trans is the crossing and media is the variety of technological platforms. This blog will explore the cultures of current transmedia interaction in an educational capacity.

Fleming (2013) explains the transforming and embracing the evolving concept of transmedia, has opened a virtual kaleidoscope of opportunities to create engaging and collaborative pedagogies in education. The use of film production media to retell the story can be unfolded across a wider audience and also expand the market sector. (Rutledge. P., 2015).  The audience involvement encourages their imagination, this includes participation in interactive games.

Fleming (2013. p. 370-371) states that the benefits of transmedia storytelling in the learning environment that brings universal technology collaboration. These versatile technologies also allow students to experience engage and productive learning experience. The advantages of various media platforms is they complement each other, this is beneficial for educators and students individual learning modes. Transmedia vast network allows for a plethora of rich pedagogies which take both educator and learner to unique educational realms.

Alper and Herr-Stephenson (2013) recognise 5 characteristics that ‘transmedia play’ develops in students is resourcefulness, reacting to changing situations, using creativity for problem solving. Social play involving conversations, either in the same location or connected digitally. Mobility includes using mobile technology platforms to access other media. Access into transmedia games at any entre point, and to re-playable games and complicated stories.

Carolyn Sun., 2014., reports on transmedia role in education particularly the Inanimate Alice interactive web story written by K. Pullinger. This web story has been used with students in year 6, the activity invites you to participate to progress through the story line. Caine’s Arcade  is an example of transmedia play, which promotes exploration and experimentation.


Alper, M., & Herr-Stephenson, R. 2013. The National Association for Media Literacy Education’s Journal of Media Literacy Education 5:2 .366-369 Transmedia Play: Literacy Across Media Retrieved from,

Carolyn Sun., 2014., LIBRARYJOURNAL., School Library Journal., The Digital Shift, Retrieved from,

Fleming. L., 2013. Journal of Media Literacy Education 5:2 (2013) 370-377 Expanding Learning Opportunities with Transmedia Practices: Retrieved from

Rutledge. P., 2015., Transmedia Storytelling / What is Transmedia Storytelling? Retrieved from

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